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At nkuku, we understand that economic, social and ecological processes are interconnected

Our Founding Principles

The founding principle of nkuku (Est 2003) was and is, to support and work with artisans throughout the world with a particular focus on handmade techniques and traditional skills and to consider our impact on the environment. We choose to work with natural and recycled materials, with a focus on traditional methods of production and these materials shape the look of our product collections.

Our Values

The pillars that underpin the Nkuku brand are: Natural. Ethical. Crafted


We consciously work with sustainable and natural materials with a focus on traditional methods of production, and this shapes our collections.

We do not follow fashion but have our sense of individual style and our aim to is to make timeless products for the home.

We are careful to introduce new products that complement existing lines to encourage continuity and longevity of collections.

We assess the sustainability of our products based on the raw materials used to create them and the process in which they are made.

We are careful to work with natural materials and eco-conscious crops including hemp and jute. These are sustainable crops that grow with little need for pesticides and require lower amounts of management and water before harvesting.We also work with sustainably grown rattan, corn husk and water hyacinth.

We choose to work with sustainable mango wood. The wood is a by-product of the fruit industry and uses the tress that hit maturity and stop producing fruit after 15 years.

Our journals are made with recycled cotton paper, created with cotton t-shirt fragments leftover from the garment industry.

All our handblown and moulded glassware and Christmas bauble decorations have always been and will continue to be made from recycled glass. Recycling allows us to create new and beautiful products with less impact on our environment.

We use the raw materials of brass and iron in the creation of our collections. These materials can be easily recycled.

We are committed to developing new products that incorporate other eco-friendly materials taking into account our impact on the planet and future generations.


We work with independent businesses, fair trade enterprises, social projects and co-operatives with a focus on building strong business relationships with all of our suppliers, so that we can work together towards mutual success. Our responsible sourcing standards comprise of the ETI Base Code, local laws and regulations, as well as our own requirements on specific issues. Where standards differ, we expect compliance with whichever affords the worker greater protection. We have made the conscious decision to develop our own structure for the accreditation and development of our suppliers

We see our suppliers as partners and encourage open dialogue and communication. We have good, long-lasting and direct relationships and know our suppliers well. Many have grown with us over the years and have been with the organisation since its start

We audit all of our suppliers and take care to only develop business relationships with a longterm view. We make regular visits to our suppliers and employ agents and auditors who support this process. We allow longer lead times to ensure that no unnecessary pressure is placed on production.

We believe that personal relationships and having a clear understanding of our supply chain is key to maintaining our founding principles. Trading fairly provides our supply partners with an opportunity to build a future. It helps businesses develop and creates sustainable employment.


We celebrate traditional crafts, and we want to ensure that age-old traditions are passed on to future generations. The relationship between a maker and an individually crafted piece creates a story and a connection. At nkuku you will find texture, natural patina and honest marks left by the tools from the maker who made the piece. We see beauty in imperfection as we think this adds character and believe this is our point of difference. There is a synergy between traditional handmade methods of production and sustainability. Many of our products involve traditional hand loom weaving, metal sculpting and craftmanship, jewellery making, basket weaving, traditional carpentry and traditional pottery making. Handicraft manufacturing processes that the nkuku supply partners employ are generally more sustainable. This is because they often use natural and eco-friendly materials, promote local production and fair trade practices, reduce waste, and support artisan livelihoods and communities

Our Challenges, Goals and Ambitions

We are on a sustainability journey. We, like all other businesses, are not perfect but we are committed to improve and be the best business that we can be. We are setting targets and working on a number of improvements across the business. We are proud to be a B-Corp accredited business with a score of 96.4. We are working to improve this score when the next review taken place in 2025. Read more about nkuku’s B Corp goals here


Despite our best efforts we are still limited by fundamental aspects of our business model. Our mission to work with supply partners from different parts of the world means that we have the need to import the goods that we supply. To address this, we minimise our carbon footprint by only using sea freight and avoid air freight. We are careful to consolidate all shipments of products and we only ever ship full containers. We are always reviewing ways that we can further measure, report and reduce our carbon footprint.


The packaging of our collections is not yet as environmentally considerate as we want it to be. We are committed to removing all polystyrene and bubble wrap from our packaging. Since 2019 we have reduced plastic packaging that we use by 85%. We are currently researching alternative sustainable solutions to protect our products through the supply chain from manufacture to delivery. Please read our Environmental Policy and discover some of our successes and plans for the future. We are conscious of our failings and constantly challenge ourselves on how we can improve. It is a journey we are still on…

The Principles of Fair Trade

Opportunities for Disadvantaged Producers.

Poverty reduction through trade forms a key part of the business’ aims. The business supports marginalised small producers, whether these are independent family businesses, or grouped in associations or co-operatives. We seek to enable them to move from income insecurity and poverty to economic self-sufficiency and ownership. The business has a plan of action to carry this out.

Transparency and Accountability

The business is transparent in its management and commercial relations. This is part of the measurement for auditing and for B-Corp accreditation. The business is accountable to all stakeholders and respects the sensitivity and confidentiality of commercial information supplied. The business finds appropriate, participatory ways to involve employees, members and producers in its decision-making processes. It ensures that relevant information is provided to all its trading partners. The communication channels are good, and open at all levels of the supply chain

Our Ethical Requirements

In applying the nkuku ethical requirements, suppliers must also comply with all local laws and regulations. Suppliers must ensure that their sites and subcontractors are compliant with all laws and regulations of the jurisdictions where nkuku production takes place. For example, annual leave, public holidays, maternity, and parental leave must all be awarded in line with local laws. Suppliers are encouraged to exceed the standards set out below to drive improvements in labour standards.

One of our business values is that we treat people how they want to be treated. We want everyone who works for or with nkuku to have their human rights upheld and we know our customers, colleagues and suppliers do too. Our commitment to human rights is embedded in the nkuku Sustainability Plan and is in line with the United Nation’s (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ETI Base Code. The Plan builds on the work we have been doing over many years and is about running our business in a way that makes a positive contribution to our colleagues, customers and communities. Through our human rights strategy, we have committed to:

• Ensure international human rights standards are respected at all our suppliers’ sites 

• Focus on the most serious risks to workers throughout our supply chains, working transparently with NGOs, unions and others to identify and address them

• Support sourcing communities facing complex social and environmental challenges.

The following key principles are part of the signed code of conduct that we apply with all nkuku supply partners.

Child labour shall not be used

• There shall be no recruitment of child labour.

Employment is Freely Chosen

There is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour. Workers are not required to pay recruitments fees, or lodge "deposits" or their identity papers with their employer and are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice. Workers’ freedom of movement is unrestricted in both their workplace.

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected

Workers, without distinction, have the right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. The employer adopts an open attitude towards the activities of trade unions and their organisational activities. Workers representatives are not discriminated against and have access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the employer facilitates, and does not hinder, the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.

Working hours are not Excessive

Working hours must comply with national laws collective agreements. Working hours, excluding overtime, shall be defined by contract, and shall not exceed 48 hours per week on a regular basis. All overtime shall be voluntary. Overtime shall be used responsibly and should not exceed 12 hours per week on a regular basis. Overtime must not be used to replace regular contracted hours. Workers shall be provided with at least one day off in every seven-day period or, where allowed by national law, two days off in every fourteen-day period. Pregnancy, parental and sick leave, holiday and time off shall be provided to all workers in accordance with applicable legislation, local traditions, and standards.

Living wages are paid

Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher and includes all legally mandated benefits (medical insurance, social insurance, pension). In any event wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income. All workers shall be provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions in respect to wages before they enter employment and about the particulars of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid. Supplier partners must have a process ensuring that all workers on their premises are documented and have a right to work legally.

No Discrimination is practised

There is no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.

No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed

Physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation shall be prohibited. Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. The Company is expected to promote a positive culture of inclusion and encourage diversity at all business levels to be representative of local population. We operate an independent anonymous whistleblowing helpline, this information should be made available to all workers so that they can report a breach of this policy or other unlawful conduct.

Regular Employment is provided

To every extent possible work performed must be based on recognised employment relationship established through national law and practice.

Working Conditions are Safe and Hygienic

Suppliers must be committed to continuous improvement of factory standards and improving the working conditions of the people who make nkuku products. A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided., bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimising, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment. Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training, such training shall be repeated for new or reassigned workers. Appropriate and effective personal protective equipment (PPE) must be provided as needed and free of charge.

Transparency and traceability

Transparency, openness and honesty are the integral to working with nkuku. Suppliers must ensure sites are always transparent to nkuku with regards to their ethical standards. We will not work with sites which are not transparent and hide non-compliances from nkuku.


We do not permit unauthorised subcontracting. Any subcontractor must be disclosed to nkuku.


The use of homeworkers must be approved by nkuku in writing in advance. Suppliers must have effective procedures in place to ensure homeworkers receive their full legal entitlements and benefits.


At nkuku we are committed to take the right actions today to protect the planet for the future. The environmental challenges we face will have a significant impact on our business and the people within our supply chains. Suppliers must meet all relevant local and national regulations on the environment including having all necessary permits including for use and disposal of resources, e.g. water, waste etc. The site needs to have an effective environmental management system that supports identifying risks, measuring and monitoring performance, and driving continual improvements to mitigate or minimise environmental impacts in their operations.

• Suppliers are encouraged to consider where they might introduce measures restorative to the environment and create resilience, particularly measures toward climate resilience. 

• Waste & Recycling (Product & Textiles Waste) Waste is stored, handled, transported and disposed of in a way that protects the health and safety of workers and the environment. No waste is landfilled on site. Hazardous and non-hazardous waste are kept separate. Waste is not incinerated on site, unless for the purpose of recovering energy. Records are available on how, where, how much and by whom waste is treated. Opportunities to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle waste are identified and implemented. 

• Water effluents & treatments: suppliers should endeavour to minimise the use of water and other natural resources where possible. Where it is not possible, have systems in place to return water to the environment safely. Plating facilities must have the water treatment facilities required by law to ensure that chemicals are not released into waterways. 

• Energy – where possible suppliers should use energy efficiently and have plans to move to renewable energy sources. Any renewable energy sources should be communicated to Nkuku.

Dangerous manufacturing processes

• We do not permit the use of sandblasting using Sand or any other substance containing free silica as it can lead to an incurable lung disease, silicosis, to workers and is a highly dangerous manufacturing process.

• Polishing, sanding, stone cutting require additional controls to protect workers with appropriate ventilation, extraction and personal protection.

Sustainable raw materials

We are committed to ensuring that sourcing of the raw materials used in our products is obtained in a responsible and sustainable way, and that social and environmental impact is always taken into account during the sourcing process. Raw material production and sourcing must also comply with local laws as well as international standards and must not lead to degradation or destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity. Securing our supply of raw materials from an ethical perspective is an extremely important part of nkuku business model. Therefore, we want the natural raw materials used in our products to be produced in a way that contribute to sustainable development, respect human rights, preserve natural resources, and helps maintain biodiversity. No vulnerable or endangered species must be used. We endeavour to create products using recycled and natural materials through sustainable methods of production.

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